感觉到旧laptop有点影响效率,换了一个今年性价比不错的mac mini,新电脑果然各方面都快很多,明明旧电脑还可以用,闲置或者trade-in有点可惜,不知道还有没有什么办法改善续命。
- iTerm https://iterm2.com/index.html
- Install oh-my-zsh
- Sublime Text
alias subl="/Applications/Sublime\ Text.app/Contents/SharedSupport/bin/subl"
- Python
brew install python3
pip3 install jupyter IPython
pip3 install urllib3 requests scrapy numpy matplotlib scipy keras sklearn pandas seaborn
pip3 install pprint virtualen
- Smartmontools
brew install smartmontools
diskutil list
smartctl -a /dev/disk0
- 计划再加上SSD应该能多用几年吧!参考博主的https://youtu.be/PMX3GFrvnlA,测了一下我这个256G SSD disk speed,果然降速明显,我疑惑enclosure+internal SSD最优3000MB/s会不会被internal SSD拖慢速度。
- 没有几个博主针对这个差别解释是否有必要上thunderbolt USB4 enclosure,reddit的一个帖子有着和我一样的困惑:https://www.reddit.com/r/Thunderbolt/comments/11hy86e/best_thunderbolt_4_enclosure_with_the_best_nvme/。
- 之后再研究研究如何从external SSD boot OS,https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/can-external-ssd-be-as-fast-as-or-even-faster-than-internal-ssd.2120249/
- 总算找到这篇:https://www.macworld.com/article/1502881/how-to-pick-the-right-combination-of-internal-and-external-ssds-for-the-mac.html
- 也解释了256GB是如何降速的:It’s worth calling out the 2023 M2 Mac mini’s 256GB configuration, too: Apple used a single SSD chip, halving performance to closer to 1.5GBps compared to the 512GB model and other similar Macs. Thus an external 3GBps NVMe will give you better results.
- 它一笔带过 A 2TB, 2.8GBps NVMe Thunderbolt 4/USB4 compatible drive from Other World Computing costs $369–less than half of Apple’s upgrade fee for a 256GB Mac mini, double the throughput, and you get the 256GB drive in the Mac mini to boot. (Literally: you could boot off it.) 那我买回来试试?